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True Blood Season 1

I LOVED the Sookie Stackhouse (Southern Vampire) book series by Charlaine Harris and was very hesitant to watch the HBO series True Blood based on the books. Usually I don’t care for movies and shows based on books I love. I feel like they change too much. HOWEVER, HBO did a fantastic job!!! Yes, A LOT is different. They make side characters a much bigger part of the story and although it is the same basic plot there are a few changes. While this would normally make me upset, they did it so well that it fits with the book series perfectly. You can love the books and series separately which is something I feel you rarely come across. The best part and possibly the most impressive is that although I knew what was going to happen I couldn’t stop watching! I watched all 12 episodes in a matter of two days (only because I had to stop to go to work). It is insanely entertaining! I very highly recommend the series if you like the books or are fan of paranormal/vampire romance.

Warning: there is a lot of sex, but the guys are hot so don’t let that deter you 🙂

The Vampire Diaries – Awakening (1st Attempt)

I tried starting The Vampire Diaries: The Awakening by L. J. Smith last night and couldn’t get more than a few pages in. I LOVE the TV series based on the series and could not believe how different the main characters were in the book. I know this is to be expected and to be honest if I had read the book first it might not have bothered me. However, I like what they have done with TV characters’ personalities. Elena in the book seemed so shallow (granted I only read the first chapter…). I plan on waiting to try to read it again after this season is over on the WB.

Has anyone else had this problem?

The Vampire Diaries – TV

Vampire-mania is back! Vamp themed books, movies, and TV shows tend to come in cycles. Buffy the Vampire Slayer still has a cult following years after its prime. Lately it’s been blamed on Twilight. But I’m not going to talk about Twilight (well not right now). I’ve recently started watching The Vampire Diaries on the WB. The show has been compared to the Twilight series multiple times. Even though the books series the show is based on was released before Twilight, it would be hard to deny that it’s only on TV because of how popular Twilight has been.

This is the first time I’ve thought “I don’t want to read the series because it might ruin the show”. Blasphemy! I ALWAYS push reading the book before seeing a movie or show based on it. I personally love creating my own image of the characters before seeing whatever a director thought they looked/acted like. I think perhaps I’m putting off reading the books because I’m trying to force myself to not read anymore YA vampire books before finishing some stuff in other genres.

I must admit that I really like the series so far. Yes, it is a teen show and therefore a tad cheesy. However, the actors aren’t half bad (and the boys are cute). Last week’s episode was clearly just a build-up for this next week, but I like the slight twist on vampire lore and the building story with both the couple and the vampires vs the town-folk.

Only problem is that it’s on Thursday nights. I’m lucky and can DVR it and watch it later that night, but if I had to choose Bones would win 🙂